Muqtada al-Sadr - السيد مقتدر الصدر

بيان لسماحة السيد القائد (أعزه الله ) حول ما قام به المؤمنون من حملة تنظيف في محافظة البصرة الغراء – Statement of His Excellency with respect to the campaign carried out by the believers to clean up dear Basra.

Dated: 19 November 2014

Original source (Arabic):

Translation starts here:

Statement of His Excellency with respect to the campaign carried out by the believers to clean up dear Basra.

In the name of the Almighty.

It is a beautiful and great thing that I see some of the beloved, may God reward them, and they have taken on the concerns of the nation, and are living with its needs, for they have taken it upon themselves to clean the streets and alleys of dear Basra. It is a satisfying and loved matter for us, and for anyone. For God accepts their work which gives for us and them a bright and beautiful picture we can be proud of in this world, and the hereafter, and especially that they didn’t intervene in the issues of others, nor did they harm anyone at all. It is hoped that others will follow their example, which is the opposite of those who try to abuse the Sadrists with their ugly actions, and try to use our title for their profit, which does not satisfy God in his greatness… for they terrorise the people and subject them to aggression, and seize their money without right. Most of them are not from amongst us, they have been defamed and thrown out by the enemies and the impudent militias, so look at the difference, the vast gap between the two – between those who reflect the beautiful picture, and those who reflect the shameless picture – Oh God grant victory to the pure believers, and humiliate those that try to distort and shame our reputation by offending others… Finally, let us praise God, lord of the two worlds.

Your brother,

Muqtada al-Sadr

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