Category: Ali al-Sistani – السيد علي السيستاني

Updated: Muqtada al-Sadr wears military uniform: Some thoughts on the secularisation of Muqtada al-Sadr

Update: 19/07/2016 Following from my post providing some analysis of Muqtada al-Sadr’s recent appearance in military garb, @toaf kindly forwarded some fascinating photos he recently took in Iraq. These photos indicate a strategy of integrating a military, nationalist-secular symbology alongside images of Sadr’s religious heritage (Baqir and Sadeq al-Sadr) in […]

السيد الصافي يعرّف السياسي الناجح : هو من يجمع أبناء بلده ويبذل طاقاته لإسعادهم ويحافظ على هوية العراق ولا يفرق بينهم… Sayyid Safai, explains what makes a successful politician: he brings together the people of the country and exerts his efforts to help them and preserve the identity of Iraq and does not distinguish amongst Iraqis.

Dated 24 April 2015 Original source (Arabic): Translation starts here: Sayyid Safai, explains what makes a successful politician: he brings together the people of the country and exerts his efforts to help them and preserve the identity of Iraq and does not distinguish amongst Iraqis.   The representative […]

السيد السيستاني يدين اعتداءات الأعظمية ويدعو إلى إعادة بناء المؤسسة العسكرية العراقية وفق المعايير والضوابط المهنية الدولية – Sayyid Sistani condemns the aggression in Adhamiya and calls for the rebuilding of the institutions of the Iraqi army according to international standards and rules.

Dated: 15 May 2015 Original source (Arabic): 15 May 2015 Sayyid Sistani condemns the aggression in Adhamiya and calls for the rebuilding of the institutions of the Iraqi army according to international standards and rules. The Marja’iya [al-Sistani] condemned the attacks which happened in the area of Adhamiya […]

المرجع السيستاني يدعو القيادات العسكرية الى ضرورة التنسيق مع المجاميع المشاركة في قتال داعش والكوادر الطبية العناية بالجرحى – The Marja’ Sistani calls for the necessity of military leaders to coordinate with the groups participating in the fight against Da3sh and for medical staff to treat the injured cadres. (Friday Sermon – Sistani representative).

Dated: 26 June 2015 Original source (Arabic): Translation starts here: The Marja’ Sistani calls for the necessity of military leaders to coordinate with the groups participating in the fight against Da3sh and for medical staff to treat the injured cadres. (Friday Sermon – Sistani representative). Representative of the […]

السيد الصافي: الجماعة التكفيرية تستهدف مقدسات جميع العراقيين بمختلف أديانهم ومذاهبهم ويدعو الى مجابهة ومقاتلة هذا البلاء قبل الندم Friday Sermon of Sayid al-Safi, representative of the Marja’ [Sistani]: The takfiri groups are targeting the holy sites of all Iraqis irrespective of their different religions and doctrines, calls for combating this scourge before it is too late.

Dated: 20 June 2014 (Friday Prayers Sermon – Video) Original source (Arabic): Translation starts here: The representative of the Marja’iya [Sistani] his Excellency Saiyd al-Saafy, in his Friday sermon in Holy Karbala, held at the Imam Hussein Shrine, 20th June 2014, dealt with a number of points as follows: […]

Sistani: Advice and Guidance to the Fighters on the Battlefields

Dated: 12 Feb 2015 Original source (English): and Arabic source: Advice and Guidance to the Fighters on the Battlefields  In the Name of God, Ever-Merciful, Ever-Compassionate In the Name of God, Ever-Merciful, Ever-Compassionate Praise belongs to God, Lord of the Cosmos, and ever-lasting peace be upon the best […]

Text of statement on the current situation in Iraq from Friday sermon held by His Eminence, Sayid Ahmed Safi, representative of the Grand Marja’iya, 02 July 2014. نصّ ما ورد بشأن الوضع الراهن في العراق في خطبة الجمعة التي ألقاها فضيلة العلاّمة السيد أحمد الصافي في يوم (5/ رمضان/1435هـ) الموافق (4/تموز/2014م)

Dated: 02 July 2014 Original source (Arabic): Translation starts here: Text of statement on the current situation in Iraq from Friday sermon held by His Eminence, Sayid Ahmed Safi, representative of the Grand Marja’iya, 02 July 2014. In the name of God the Compassionate and the Merciful. […]

Text of statement with respect to the current situation in Iraq in Friday sermon of the representative of the Grand Marja’, Sheikh Abdul Mahdi al-Karbalai’نص ما ورد بشأن الأوضاع الراهنة في العراق في خطبة الجمعة لممثل المرجعية الدينية العليا الشيخ عبد المهدي الكربلائي في (12/ رمضان /1435 هـ) –

Dated: 09 July 2014 Original source: (Arabic) Translation starts here: ‘Text of statement with respect to the current situation in Iraq in Friday sermon of the representative of the Grand Marja’, Sheikh Sheikh Abdul Mahdi al-Karbalai’ In the name of God the Compassionate and the Merciful. With respect […]

مكتب المرجع السيستاني يوضح ما ورد بخطبة الجمعة من ( ان الدفاع واجب كفائي – al-Sistani clarifies the “jihad fatwa”

Dated: 14 June 2015 Original source (Arabic): Nun News Agency Translation starts here: The Office of the Marja’ al-Sistani clarifies what was reported in the Friday sermon (that defence is a wajib kafai [collective duty]) The Office of the Marja’ya representing Grand Ayatollah al-Sayyid Ali Al-Sistani has clarified […]

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