Category: Muqtada al-Sadr – السيد مقتدر الصدر

Translation and analysis: Statement on meeting between Ahmed Abdul Hussain (Mustamerroun) and Muqtada al-Sadr (5th July 2016)

Cooperation between Mustamerroun, the lead organisation from within the civic trend involved in coordinating the protests for reform in Iraq, and the Sadrist trend, has caused considerable controversy amongst activists and intellectuals in Iraq. Amongst those who reject this ‘alliance’ it is generally held that cooperation with the […]

Updated: Muqtada al-Sadr wears military uniform: Some thoughts on the secularisation of Muqtada al-Sadr

Update: 19/07/2016 Following from my post providing some analysis of Muqtada al-Sadr’s recent appearance in military garb, @toaf kindly forwarded some fascinating photos he recently took in Iraq. These photos indicate a strategy of integrating a military, nationalist-secular symbology alongside images of Sadr’s religious heritage (Baqir and Sadeq al-Sadr) in […]

سماحة السيد القائد مقتدى الصدر( اعزه الله) يصدر بيانا حول الأحداث الاخيرة ويعلن استعداده للتنسيق مع بعض الجهات الحكومية لتشكيل (سرايا السلام) للدفاع عن المقدسات – His Excellency Sayid al-Qaid Muqtada al-Sadr (may God preserve him) issues statement on recent events and announces his preparedness to coordinate with the governmental bodies in the formation of the (Peace Companies) to defend the holy sites.

Dated: 11 June 2014 Original source (Arabic): Translation starts here: His Excellency Sayid al-Qaid Muqtada al-Sadr (may God preserve him) issues statement on recent events and announces his preparedness to coordinate with the governmental bodies in the formation of the (Peace Companies) to defend the holy sites.   […]

سماحة السيد القائد يصدر بيانا حول الأحداث الجارية في محافظة ديالى الحبيبة – His Excellency Sayyid al-Qaid issues a statement on current events in the beloved Diyala Governorate

Dated: 25 March 2014 Original source (Arabic): Translation starts here: His Excellency Sayyid al-Qaid issues a statement on current events in the beloved Diyala Governorate In the name of God. It is of great regret that that the governorate of Diyala has fallen between the two jaws: the […]

بيان هام جداً من سماحة السيد القائد المجاهد مقتدى الصدر (اعزه الله) Very important important statement from His Excellency Sayyid al-Qaid al-Mujahid Muqtada al-Sadr (may God preserve him) [supposed retirement from politics]

Dated: 26 Feb 2014 Original source (Arabic): Translation starts here: Very important statement from His Excellency Sayyid al-Qaid al-Mujahid Muqtada al-Sadr (may God preserve him) From the point of view of legitimacy and preserving the reputation of the honourable al-Sadr, and especially the martyred Sadrs (may God hallow […]

بيان لسماحة السيد القائد (أعزه الله ) حول ما قام به المؤمنون من حملة تنظيف في محافظة البصرة الغراء – Statement of His Excellency with respect to the campaign carried out by the believers to clean up dear Basra.

Dated: 19 November 2014 Original source (Arabic): Translation starts here: Statement of His Excellency with respect to the campaign carried out by the believers to clean up dear Basra. In the name of the Almighty. It is a beautiful and great thing that I see some of the […]

بيان لسماحة السيد القائد (اعزه الله) : ان تلك الأيادي الأثيمة التي طالت المشايخ الابرياء لا تريد إلا تقسيم العراق وتحريض السنة المعتدلين ليكون التحاقهم بشذاذ الافاق امراً مستساغاً – His Excellency Sayid al-Qaid (may God preserve him): These sinful hands that assailed the innocent Sheikhs want nothing but to splinter Iraq and incite Sunni moderates to make them join Da3sh seem acceptable.

Dated: 03 January 2015 Original source (Arabic): Translation starts here: His Excellency Sayid al-Qaid (may God preserve him): These sinful hands that assailed the innocent Sheikhs want nothing but to splinter Iraq and incite Sunni moderates to make them join Da3sh seem acceptable. In the name of the […]

بيان مهم لسماحة السيد القائد المجاهد مقتدى الصدر (أعزه الله) من عدة نقاط حول التدخل الأمريكي في العراق – Important statement from His Excellency Sayid al-Qaid al-Mujahid Muqtada al-Sadr (may God preserve him) addressing a number of points around the US intervention in Iraq.

Dated: 15 September 2014 Original source (Arabic): Translation starts here: Important statement from His Excellency Sayid al-Qaid al-Mujahid Muqtada al-Sadr (may God preserve him) addressing a number of points around the US intervention in Iraq. In the name of the Almighty. The ‘Black House’ has decided to restart […]

سماحة السيد القائد(أعزه الله) : يجب التكاتف والعمل الدؤوب من أجل انجاح تشكيل الحكومة الجديدة التي يجب أن تتحلى بالوطنية والإنصاف – His Excellency Sayid al-Qaid (may God preserve him): The necessity of solidarity and working tirelessly in order to succeed in forming a new government which must serve the national interesting fairly.

Dated: 11 August 2014 Original source (Arabic): His Excellency Sayid al-Qaid (may God preserve him): The necessity of solidarity and working tirelessly in order to succeed in forming a new government which must serve the national interesting fairly. In the name of the Almighty. Peace of God upon […]

في بيان لسماحة السيد القائد (أعزه الله) : المهم جل المهم هو خلاص العراق وشعبه من كل بلاءاته التي كان سببها بعض السياسات التفردية واقصاء الآخرين – What is of great importance is saving Iraq and its people from all the scourges, the cause of which have been some monopolistic policies and the exclusion of the others.[post election wrangling]

Dated: 5 July 2014 Original source (Arabic): Translation starts here: What is of great importance is saving Iraq and its people from all the scourges, the cause of which have been some monopolistic policies and the exclusion of the others. In the name of God the Compassionate and […]

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